What We Believe
Our hope is alive among us, as we believe that God is still speaking to us in our own experiences and relationships with one another. The grace and love of God abound today, even when we least expect it!
Our hope begins in God, grounded in the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through Christ, we give thanks to God for new life and eternal grace, walking this journey of life together as we seek to be disciples of Christ in our human ways.
Our hope continues through the teachings of our holy scripture, as we learn how to live as God’s children in God’s world. As 20th century theologian Karl Barth wrote, we “take the Bible too seriously to read it literally.” As such, we explore together the deeper meaning of Bible passages to discern who we are as disciples of Christ for our own time and place. Each of our members is free to discern for him or herself the nature of their individual relationship with God and what God intends for their lives within the framework of God’s extravagant love for every person. We believe God’s love neither requires nor tolerates qualifiers or exclusions.